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No.12 Throw Line

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The Throwline


The Set-up


Stiffline has a monofilament core and dyneema cover.

It's unique circular profile makes it g l i d e over branches.

The monofilament stops the line becoming tangled inside the throwcube.

It has a coloured section at each end, this means that an end can be quickly identified when laying amongst the coils in the throwcube.

Stiffline is GREAT throwline. it comes with some handy instructional tips.


There are many types of throwline and they are all susceptible to becoming a tangled

nightmarish bundle of hell.

Before use it should be stretched.

This helps to straighten out twists in the line.

Run one end around a something sturdy, hold the two ends together and gently pull.


Throw Weights

There are many types and weights of throwbag.

Most have lead shot inside.

Bags weigh between 6oz-14oz.

A lighter bag can be thrown further but may have difficulty dropping back through a high friction tree crown.

Some bags are more streamlined than others.

recommend a selection of weights for different duties.

A bag is attached to either end of the throwline and placed inside a box.


Throw Line Cube

50cm (3) is a good size to choose and an in-expensive way to achieve this is buying a

plastic crate from a home centre.

An arborists Throwcube exists and by far the best one is made by Falteimer (cheaper versions like the Stein cube will fall apart quickly).

An arborists cube has two pockets on the inside to store the throwbag and it conveniently folds into a small triangle for storage and has a carry sling to attach to your harness.

The Throw

Underhand throws, Over-the-shoulder, Helicopter-spins - it doesnt matter how you feel most comfortable projecting the bag, what matters is your ability to correct bad throws.

Subtle changes in body composure alter a throw dramatically. Some will speak of keeping the wrist as relaxed as possible and throwing through the body and down to the floor.

Concentration on parts of the tree aimed at will produce worse results than concentration on relaxation.

Try to produce an arcing motion rather than a straight shot.

Alter the length of line from hand to bag.

Use different bag weights.

I often place a Slip Knot as a grip and tend not to hold the trailing line.

A Good Throw always FEELS RIGHT. Try to remember the feeling and the body composure that produced it.

Yoshimi san throws so well and one can learn from just watching him.

Every chance I get I will steal more technique from him!

Practice Practice Practice and you will soon find many uses for your throwline other than setting your main climb line.


The Two Cube Technique

Very often a throw will end like this. If the throw bag is pulled back through the small branches there is a chance that the bag will flick back over the crotch.

The Two Cube Technique is an easy and powerful way to isolate a crotch.


1. Bring the bag (no.1) back to you.


2. Pull all of the throw line until the bag (no.2) on the other end is ready to be elevated.

Open a second throw cube and remove a bag (no.3).


3. Connect bag no.2 and no.3.


4. Pull the first throw line (red) raising bags 2&3.

As they approach the branch connected to your chosen crotch slowly let bag 3 trickle over the top.


5. The crotch has been isolated. Bring bag 2 & 3 back to you.


6. Remove the throwline from bag 2 and pull it out of the tree.

Bag 3 is now attached to an isolated crotch and you may proceed to install your rope.


Stuck Bag/Stuck Cambium Saver/Catching a Cambium Saver


A stuck bag or cambium saver is a terrible thing! It wastes time and creates extra work for the climber.

The Stuck Technique can help you.

In this example the pink bag may be a cambium saver or throw bag and what this technique does is enable you to LIFT UP rather than PULL DOWN.



Install a second throwline as close to directly above as possible or placed to pull against the blocked direction.

Bring the bag to you and clip it to the stuck rope/throwline and pull it



With luck the second line will easily lift the jammed equipment and you will jump for joy!


Pull the first line back to you and carefully dismantle the remaining throwline.

Traverse Instructions

Locate a crotch and set the throwbag over it. There are 3 principles for retrieving the


1. Swing

2. Grapnel Hook

3. Grapnel Hook + Additional Throwline & Karabiner

1. The Swing

Create motion in the bag by jerking the throwline. As the bag passes the bottom point of the swing pull abruptly on the throwline to create more motion.

Continue until there is enough momentum to 'fly' the throwbag to you.

The monofilament cored Stiffline has a unique circular profile and it means that it glides well over rough barked trees and the bag can be made to travel great distance.

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2. grapnel hook

If your situation resembles this shape you can use a grapnel hook to retrieve the bag.

Hold the bag at the crotch and tie a slip knot where you are.

Let the bag drop drop until the slip knot is at the crotch.

This ensures enough length in the retrieved section of the throwline to reach your position.

Swing the bag over any branches that block a clear route.

Attach the grapnel hook.

Let the weight of the falling bag lift the grapnel hook until it can be swung onto the line.

Pull it back towards you.

If the vertical distance was sufficient the throwbag will reach you.

The above photograph illustrates a situation where the horizontal exceeds the vertical.

3. The third method should be used.


Release the hook (This may be difficult: correct assessment and choice of method can save much time!).

Lift the bag back up.

Attach a karabiner to the throwline with a Munter Hitch.

Clip the grapnel hook and a second throwline to the karabiner.

Let the weight of the falling bag lift the grapnel hook until it can be swung onto the line.

Pulling the second throwline towards you will cause the karabiner to slip down the first throwline on the Munter Hitch and the grapnel hook will follow.

An example of a simple traverse kit. The throwline is installed in a fly fishing reel.

This is convenient because it self-feeds the throwline.

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