No.11 Climbing System-A Riggers Approach
This article is describes an idea for setting up a climbing system.
Please seek professional training to learn climbing techniques.
We should be inspired to climb with particular systems for the following reasons;
non-invasive to the trees cambium -
freedom of three dimensional movement -
security from falling -
ergonomics -
an ability to easily access trees of all shapes, strengths and heights -
climbing systems that do not hinder working (tree cutting) processes.
Ways of climbing have evolved and been written into 'best practice' guidelines in many countries.
'Standards' demand that climbers use a 2:1 climbing system for work positioning.
2:1 is usually called Ddrt.
Ddrt means that the rope has been Doubled over a branch.
It enables a climber to lift half of their weight when ascending, it gives them a 2:1 power ratio.
The following photos describe several 2:1 systems.
The 3 Knot system ascending with Body Thrust technique

The Split-Tail system ascending with Body Thrust technique.

The Split-Tail system with foot-clamp assisted Body Thrusting

The Hitch Climber system with foot-clamp assisted Hand-Over-Hand technique

The Lock Jack system with foot-clamp assisted Hand-Over-Hand technique

2:1 technique enables the climber to 'self belay' and gives safe and controlled access to all parts of a tree.
It is a simple and safe way to work and with application of technique and tool contains many creative possibilities.
Industrial access and caving practice have influenced 'tree access' techniques (not descent or work positioning).
1:1 is usually called Single Rope Technique, its acronym is SRT and a style of ascent called 'frog walking' or 'rope walking' has been used extensively by arboreal workers the world over because of its fast and ergonomic style.
Many non-converts challenge the safety of a system that has so many 'parts' to be successful.
What is potentially a fluid and ergonomic access technique can become physically difficult and potentially dangerous if not set-up correctly.
Possibly the most ancient technique, I would guess dating back to when man needed to ascend anything(!), is the 'foot-lock' ascension technique.
Equipment wise it is simple and when the climber is proficient becomes a fluid way to access trees.
Foot-locking has been polarised by the ISA competitions to those that find it physiologically detrimental and those
that swear by its virtues.

More recently tools have been designed that enable workers to ascend and descend with the same tools on a 1:1 system.
It is called Single Rope Work Positioning and while not yet included in 'best practice' guidelines it is garnering a huge amount of interest the world over.
All of the above techniques tick my original boxes when used with sensitivity to ones own body and the tree.
At present Japan doesn't have a safety standard for arboreal workers and it is an interesting time in terms of tree climbing culture as there are, from around the world, a wealth of technique and tool.
As we learn more about how we can physically interact with a tree, safety guidelines and equipment will alter to best suit our needs.
The Victorian Tree Industry Organisation (VTIO) recognises that although working in trees is an inherently dangerous activity, comprehensive prescriptive regulation of best practice is unfeasible as the unique challenges posed by each tree mean that no single universal approach can be successfully prescribed.
In addition, the differing skill sets and experience of each individual climber allow for a number of different valid approaches to each tree.”
Something that I have come to use recently borrows aspects of 1:1, 2:1 and inverted 2:1 (triple leg) rope systems, after-all there are tools that work effectively with the 3 systems so why not integrate different ideas to achieve something greater than a stand alone system?
I chose not to say Ddrt or SRWP or RADS or the multitude of different acronyms in use, I simply use rigging solutions to achieve my objectives.
non-invasive to the trees cambium -
freedom of three dimensional movement -
security from falling -
ergonomics -
an ability to easily access trees of all shapes, strengths and heights -
climbing systems that do not hinder working (tree cutting) processes.
I found that a 2:1 system performs better than a 1:1 at:
moving the tie-in-point -
climbing in the 'alternate lanyard' style -
walking IN from a limb walk -
rope and cambium protector retrieval.
and that a 1:1 system performs better than a 2:1 at
climbing long vertical distances -
more easily 're-directing' -
utilizing the trees inherent strength through re-directing -
consistent friction in the climbing system which enables a greater range of movement.
It seems obvious to me that Arboreal Workers should unite the virtues present in each rope system and I am happy to explain how this may be possible.
Modified Ring and Ring & 34mm large ring

At the heart of this flexible system is the Ring and Ring cambium saver.
A simple change in the large ring size enables a 2:1 rope system to be knotted on the splice side and safely cinched against the large ring, thus turning it into a 1:1.
A standard sized large ring is too big and the knot will pass through it.
Modified ring and ring uses a Large ring size of 34mm and a Small ring size of 28mm.
A Choice of 3 tools
The Unicender
The Unicender was the first tool used for 1:1 work positioning and its smooth aluminium plates act as a shock absorber by slipping at higher loads.
Its mechanical design ensures that the plates will always grab the rope in a fall event.

The Rope Wrench
Hitch cord is usually 8 or 10mm and around 70cm long.
The pulley is multi purpose; 'slack tending' the hitch is its main function but the Hitch Climber pulley features a rigging plate (3
holes) and can be used for many different techniques : 1:1 traversing - equipment hauling flexible alignment of hitch and karabiners for strength .... the list goes on.

The Rope Wrench 'tether'.
A hard tether keeps the Wrench from pressing against the top of the hitch.
A hard tether spliced or stitched onto the pulley means that the Wrench doesn't have a 'flopping connector'.
A flopping connector drops the Wrench toward the top of the hitch which potentially descends the climber.

The Hitch Hiker
The newest tool and possibly the best 1:1 device. A climber needs to have 'fluidity' for crown movement and the HH excels at this.

The Spliced/Stitched Eye
The 2:1 set-up has a compact connection with a spliced or stitched eye. Ring and Ring retrieval is made easier with a spliced eye.

Additional Items
'Rope Walking' on 1:1 systems are fast and ergonomic when set-up right. The foot-loop length needs to be tailored.

A foot-locking hitch can be placed on a single or twin rope.