No.9 Two Simple Trunk Anchors
Zero Connectors = Flop Proof.
Rescue Without Cutting Rope Parts.
Easily Add Extra Ropes Into The System.
Light Weight.
Changeable into Trunk Belays.
Single Rope climbing is efficient and convenient.
Climbing lines are easily installed because limb isolation isn't necessary and the climbing line can then be tied off at the base of the tree.
There are many ways to tie-off a Trunk Anchor and we can use Belay Ideas to turn the Trunk Anchor into a Trunk Belay.
The definition of Trunk Anchor is a non moving system.
The definition of Trunk Belay is a potentially moving system that can be utalised for rescues.
These 2 Trunk Anchors were designed for SRT work positioning and so removed all cross-loadable elements.
Thimble Anchor
This consists of a length of 8mm rated hitch cord (aprox. 2m) and two DMM Thimbles. It is tied together with a Double Fishermans knot.
Load Releasing Anchor
This consists of a length of 8mm rated hitch cord ( aprox. 7m) and one DMM Anchor Ring or small Rigging Hub.

1: Thimble Anchor Set-up
Put rope through one thimble and attach the already set throw line to rope.
Pull rope over and tie marlin spike underneath the thimble.
Walk rope around tree to form friction. Different bark texture and trunk shape and size mean that you need more wraps or not. If in doubt take another wrap.
Pull out marlin spike and tighten the slack trunk wraps.
Push a bight of rope through the other thimble and form the daisy chain of at least 6 chains.
Pass whole rope through the last loop to 'lock' the chain.
At this point the system is a non-crossloadable Trunk Anchor.

2: Load Releasing Anchor Set-up
Put rope through the Anchor Ring and attach throw line to rope.
Pull rope over and tie marlin spike underneath the Anchor Ring.
Walk rope around tree to form friction. Different bark texture and trunk shape and size mean that you need more wraps or not. If in doubt take another wrap.
Pull out marlin spike and tighten the slack trunk wraps.
Form a 6-8 leg klemheist hitch on the tail end of the climbing line with the 7m hitch cord and tie the LOAD RELEASING HITCH to the Anchor Ring.
Tie an alpine butterfly underneath the klemheist as a stopper knot
At this point the system is a non-crossloadable Trunk Anchor.

Both Trunk Anchor systems can be altered to form rescuing Trunk Belays and we encourage you to seek out training for this.